Quinquennial Inspection Audit

churches audited with...
church visits in...

Grade I Listed Churches

Grade II* Listed Churches

Grade II Listed Churches

Unlisted Churches


The Church of England – Birmingham Property Department



Project Lead, Quality Manager, QIR Assessor, Site Inspector

We carried out a desktop survey of the fabric of all the Church of England’s church buildings in the Diocese of Birmingham inspected under the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955, using the latest Quinquennial Inspection Reports. Working closely with the Quantity Surveyors at Greenwood Projects we collated a full overview of the conditions of the church buildings into a spreadsheet-based database. The Diocese, clergy and Parochial Church Councils could then use this as a tool to help them continue their care of the buildings, and identify work they can prioritise and seek funding for.

Detailed Programming

We identified target dates for church visits and when each batch of QIRs' input of architectural data would be completed ready for the financial appraisal.

Appraisals and Site Visits

We undertook desktop appraisals of the QIRs and visits to churches for an overview of the range of building conditions in the Diocese.

Financial Appraisals

We assisted the Quantity Surveyors in identifying areas that would affect costs, to help them appraise the costs of repair works required for each church.


We moderated selections of appraisals to ensure quality and consistency before handing the database back to the client for future use.