Old Grammar School

Children experience life as a seventeenth century pupil in this BBC Restoration winning building


PCC of Kings Norton


Kings Norton, Birmingham


Lead Consultant, Conservation Architect, Contract Administrator

RIBA Work Stage


Year Completed


A winner of the BBC Restoration Series, we oversaw the careful restoration of this building. Analysis revealed that the oldest timbers date from the fourteenth century, but there is no certainty of the building’s early history. The Old Grammar School now provides an interactive education resource enabling children to dress up and experience life as a seventeenth century pupil.

We asked the almost impossible: restore completely and reveal a magnificent but run-down 17th century Grammar School… and do it on a very constricted site in full consultation with a bewildering variety of volunteer and professional stake-holders and APEC have done it! The result has already made hardened volunteers speechless with joy.

Canon Rob MorrisTeam Rector of Kings Norton Parish