As Holly embarks on a new research adventure, she shares APEC’s journey in participatory architecture.
We invite you to travel back in time to reflect and celebrate Mary’s journey.
Roam is ‘the first charity of its kind running sessions to help support parents and children with safe, unsupervised play outside.’
Naomi advocates for active travel in a webinar for Our Future City Plan: Birmingham 2040.
Holly invited doers and the curious to ‘see like an architect’ as part of the Do Fest Dudley High St.
The Learning Marathon has come to an end, but after 6 months of researching into community empowerment a surprise collaboration has emerged, so this is really just the beginning…
This International Women’s Day, Naomi gives her thoughts on the importance of Women in Architecture, and why it is more than just about numbers.
Holly continues her Learning Marathon blog series on how citizen empowerment might form the basis of changes in the urban environment.
“I poured over plans and photos in publications at the time, I realised that the design had emerged as a response to a conversation between the architecture and the activity of learning, rather than an exercise in arranging rooms on plan.”
Naomi shares her thoughts after her ‘Working with an Architect’ talk at the Fit for Function 2 Conference last month.